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Is It Bad to Reschedule an Interview? Everything You Need to Know

a person rescheduling an interview

Let’s face it, life happens. An unexpected car repair, a sudden family emergency, or even just a plain old case of the sniffles can throw your perfectly scheduled interview day into disarray. But before you panic about burning bridges, take a deep breath. Rescheduling an interview isn’t necessarily a deal-breaker, but there’s a right and wrong way to go about it. This guide will equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to navigate a reschedule request professionally and keep your chances of landing the job strong.

When Rescheduling Might Be Okay

Not all reasons for rescheduling are created equal. Here are some situations where a reschedule request is generally considered acceptable:

  • Unavoidable emergencies: Family emergencies, sudden illnesses, or critical car trouble are situations most hiring managers will understand.
  • Work obligations: If a pre-existing work commitment you can’t reschedule conflicts with your interview, explain the situation honestly.
  • Inclement weather: If severe weather conditions make traveling unsafe, a reschedule request is likely to be approved.

Pro Tip: When citing an emergency, avoid going into excessive detail. A simple explanation like “A sudden family matter has come up that requires my immediate attention” is sufficient.

When Rescheduling Might Not Be Ideal

There are also times when rescheduling an interview is best avoided if at all possible. These include:

  • Being unprepared: Don’t use needing more prep time as a reason to reschedule. This shows a lack of organization and initiative.
  • Oversleeping: A missed interview due to oversleeping reflects poorly on your time management skills.
  • A better offer: Don’t reschedule an interview because you received another offer. It shows a lack of commitment.

General Rule: If the reason for rescheduling is within your control, try your best to find a way to make the original interview time work.

How to Reschedule an Interview Professionally

So, you’ve determined a reschedule is necessary. Here’s how to handle it professionally:

  1. Act Quickly: The sooner you contact the hiring manager, the more understanding they’ll likely be. Aim to notify them within 24 hours, or even sooner if possible.

  2. Communicate Clearly: Be polite, professional, and apologetic in your communication. Briefly explain the reason for needing to reschedule, but avoid going into unnecessary detail.

  3. Offer Alternatives: Don’t just ask to reschedule, propose some alternative times that work for you. This shows flexibility and initiative.

  4. Be Courteous: Thank the hiring manager for their time and consideration, and reiterate your interest in the position.

Here’s a Template You Can Use:

Dear [Hiring Manager Name],

I am writing to apologize that I need to reschedule our interview for the [position name] position that was originally scheduled for [original date and time]. Unfortunately, [brief explanation of the reason for rescheduling].

I am very interested in this opportunity and would be happy to reschedule the interview at your earliest convenience. I am available on [list of alternative dates and times].

Thank you for your understanding.


[Your Name]

The Power of Positive Communication

Even in a reschedule request, communication is key. By being professional, courteous, and proactive, you can minimize any negative impact and potentially even strengthen your candidacy. Here are some additional tips for effective communication:

  • Use a professional email address and phone number.
  • Proofread your message carefully before sending it.
  • Be clear and concise in your communication.
  • Maintain a positive and enthusiastic tone.

Beyond the Reschedule: Making the Most of Your Interview

Getting the interview rescheduled is just the first step. Here are some tips to ensure you shine during the rescheduled interview:

  • Do your research: Refresh your knowledge of the company and the position you’re interviewing for.
  • Prepare insightful questions: Show your genuine interest in the company and the role.
  • Dress professionally: First impressions matter, so dress appropriately for the company culture.
  • Arrive early: Demonstrate your respect for the interviewer’s time and your punctuality.
  • Be confident and enthusiastic: Project a positive attitude and your qualifications for the job.

By following these tips, you can overcome the hurdle of a rescheduled interview and make a strong impression on the hiring manager.

Acing the Rescheduled Interview: Going the Extra Mile

While rescheduling isn’t ideal, you can use it as an opportunity to demonstrate your professionalism and commitment to the job. Here are some ways to go the extra mile:

  • Send a thank-you note after the rescheduled interview: Reiterate your interest in the position and highlight your key qualifications. [Internal Link: How to Write a Thank You Note After an Interview] can help you craft a compelling message.
  • Follow up if you haven’t heard back: A polite email inquiring about the status of your application after a reasonable amount of time shows your continued interest.

Remember: You’re in Control (Even with a Reschedule)

While a reschedule can feel like a setback, it doesn’t have to derail your chances. By approaching the situation professionally and proactively, you can minimize any negative impact and potentially even impress the hiring manager with your communication skills and problem-solving abilities.

Focus on the positive: A well-handled reschedule request showcases your maturity and ability to navigate unexpected situations.

Stay positive and confident: Believe in yourself and your qualifications, and let your enthusiasm shine through during the rescheduled interview.

With the right approach, you can turn a reschedule into an opportunity and land your dream job

Rescheduling for Success: FAQs 

  • Q: What if the hiring manager doesn’t offer any alternative times?

If the hiring manager doesn’t offer any alternative times that work for you, politely express your continued interest in the position and see if there’s any flexibility on their end. If not, thank them for their time and consideration.

  • Q: Should I follow up after rescheduling?

Absolutely! Send a brief email thanking the hiring manager for their time and confirming the rescheduled interview date and time. This shows your continued interest and organization.

  • Q: Is it okay to reschedule a phone interview?

The same principles apply to rescheduling phone interviews. Communicate promptly, explain the reason clearly, and offer alternative times.

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