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Requesting Feedback After Interview: A Guide for Candidates

Requesting Feedback After Interview A Guide for Candidates

As job seekers, we often invest significant time and effort into preparing for job interviews, hoping to make a lasting impression and secure the position we desire. However, the interview process can be a nerve-wracking experience, leaving us uncertain about our performance and the impression we’ve left on the hiring manager.

This is where the importance of seeking feedback after an interview comes into play. By taking the initiative to request feedback, you can gain valuable insights that can help you improve your interview skills, better understand your strengths and weaknesses, and ultimately increase your chances of success in future job searches.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the reasons why you should request feedback, provide tips on how to do so effectively and offer strategies for interpreting and applying the feedback to enhance your future interview performance.

Why ask for feedback?

The benefits of receiving feedback after an interview are multifold. First and foremost, feedback can provide you with invaluable insights into your performance, allowing you to identify areas for improvement. Understanding where you excelled and where you fell short can help you fine-tune your interview skills, better prepare for future interviews, and ultimately increase your chances of landing the job you desire.

Moreover, feedback can serve as a valuable tool for personal and professional development. By gaining a clearer understanding of how potential employers perceive you, you can work on addressing any weaknesses or areas of concern, ultimately becoming a more confident and compelling candidate.

Preparing to request feedback

Before you embark on the process of requesting feedback, it’s essential to ensure that you are psychologically prepared to receive constructive criticism. Approach the feedback with an open and growth-oriented mindset, understanding that the information you receive is intended to help you improve, not to discourage you.

Additionally, consider the appropriate timing for your feedback request. It’s generally best to wait until after you’ve received a final decision on the position, as the hiring manager may be more willing to provide detailed feedback once the hiring process is complete.

How to politely ask for feedback after an interview

When crafting your request for feedback, it’s crucial to strike a respectful and professional tone. Avoid sounding demanding or entitled, and instead, express your genuine desire to learn and grow from the experience.

Here are some sample email templates that can guide you in your request:

Sample Email Template 1:

Subject: Request for Feedback – [Your Name]

Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],

I wanted to follow up with you regarding the [position title] interview I had with your team on 2024. I’m very appreciative of the time and consideration you’ve given to my application, and I’m interested in understanding how I can improve my interview performance for future opportunities.

If possible, I would be grateful if you could provide me with any feedback on my strengths, areas for improvement, or any other insights that could help me enhance my interview skills. Your guidance would be invaluable as I continue my professional development.

Thank you in advance for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Sample Email Template 2:

Subject: Feedback Request – [Your Name]

Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to reach out to express my gratitude for the opportunity to interview for the [position title] role with your company. While I’m disappointed to have not been selected for the position, I’m grateful for the experience and would appreciate the chance to learn from it.

If possible, I would kindly request any feedback you can provide on my interview performance. Receiving your insights would help me better understand my strengths and areas for improvement, which I can then apply to future interviews.

I appreciate your time and consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you.


[Your Name]

As for the appropriate timing, it’s generally a good idea to wait a week or two after receiving the final decision before sending your feedback request. This allows the hiring manager sufficient time to complete the hiring process and provides you with the opportunity to reflect on your own performance.

What to do If you don’t receive feedback

In some cases, you may not receive feedback, even after politely requesting it. This can happen for a variety of reasons, such as the hiring manager’s busy schedule or company policies that discourage providing detailed feedback to candidates.

If you don’t receive a response to your initial request, consider following up once more, but avoid being overly persistent. You can try rephrasing your request or emphasizing the value the feedback would have for your professional development.

However, if the hiring manager remains unresponsive, it may be best to accept that feedback will not be provided and focus your energy on applying the lessons you’ve learned from the interview experience to future opportunities.

How to interpret feedback

When you do receive feedback, it’s important to approach it with an objective and growth-oriented mindset. Avoid taking any constructive criticism personally, and instead, view it as an opportunity to identify areas for improvement.

Carefully analyze the feedback, looking for specific insights and recommendations. Consider how the feedback aligns with your own self-assessment and identify any patterns or common themes that emerge. This will help you gain a more comprehensive understanding of your performance and how you can enhance it going forward.

Using feedback to improve future performance

Once you’ve received and interpreted the feedback, the next step is to transform it into an action plan for improvement. Identify the key areas you need to focus on, such as strengthening your responses to common interview questions, improving your body language, or enhancing your overall communication skills.

Develop a clear plan of action, with specific steps and timelines, to address the areas for improvement. Regularly review and refine this plan, incorporating any additional feedback you may receive in the future.

Do’s and Don’ts when asking for feedback


  • Express gratitude for the opportunity to interview
  • Maintain a professional and respectful tone
  • Focus on how the feedback can help you improve
  • Follow up politely if you don’t receive a response
  • Approach the feedback with an open and growth-oriented mindset



  • Sound demanding or entitled in your request
  • Take any constructive criticism personally
  • Argue or defend your performance
  • Repeatedly follow up if the hiring manager remains unresponsive
  • Neglect to apply the feedback to your future interview preparation



Requesting feedback after an interview is a powerful tool that can help you grow and enhance your interview skills. By approaching the process with a genuine desire to learn and improve, you can gain invaluable insights that will serve you well in future job searches.

Remember, the interview process is a learning experience, and by embracing feedback and continuously improving, you’ll increase your chances of securing the job you truly desire. So, don’t hesitate to take that extra step and request feedback – it could be the key to unlocking your full potential as a job candidate.


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